Middle School Return to Learning Plans
Click on each scenario below to learn more about the protocols and procedures we have put in place at Willmar Middle School to help safeguard the health of the students and staff. Our goals stay the same, to ensure:
- ALL students, every day will feel connected
- ALL students, every day will be challenged with learning and experiences
- ALL students, every day will know they have someone they can turn to for help and support
- ALL students and staff remain safe
- ALL in-person learning is maximized
Please know that changes seem to occur daily or weekly and we may be updating our procedures accordingly. Open the Willmar Middle School PDF Version here.
- ALL students will be expected to engage in their education EVERY day, whether on-site, hybrid, or in a distance learning model.
- Parent(s)/Guardian(s) will be a crucial partner as we navigate this year.
- ALL students MUST wear masks while on campus at ALL times, except when consuming food or drink, and outside when social-distancing can occur.
- There will be NO outside visitors allowed on-site.
- A digital platform will be utilized in all three models to support smooth transitions as needed during the school year.
- Students on-site will remain in their first-hour classroom for the duration of the school day while their teachers rotate from classroom-to-classroom.
- Increased cleaning and disinfecting precautions will be taken every day to ensure staff and students are safe.
- Health checks will be completed each day through QUALTRICS before students arrive at school. This will be critical in ensuring everyone is safe to be in the physical school building. More directions to come.
- Breakfast and Lunch will be served in the classroom when using the hybrid plan.
- Dropoff/Pick up Times
- Students should be dropped off no earlier than 7:45 am and picked up by 3:00 pm
- Students will report to their first-hour class when entering the building.
- Enter/Exit Information (Signs will be posted on all designated doors)
- Busses - North side/back of the building
- 6th Grade - South side/Main Entrance of the building
- 7th Grade - West side of the building
- 8th Grade - South side/parking lot entrance
The WMS in-person learning model allows for all students to attend in-person learning every scheduled school calendar day. We will create as much space between students and teachers as is feasible during the day, but will not be held strictly to enforcing 6 feet of social distancing during primary instructional time in the classroom. This scenario may be implemented assuming state COVID-19 data continues to stabilize and/or improve.
COVID-19 Program Coordinator
Mark Miley, Principal a. COVID-19 Staf member - Amy Zwagerman, School Nurse
Health Symptoms
- Families will be asked to monitor health symptoms
- According to The Department of Health symptoms of COVID-19 can include cough, shortness of breath, fever, chills, headache, muscle pain, sore throat, or loss of taste or smell. Other less common symptoms include gastrointestinal symptoms like nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea. These symptoms may appear 2-14 days after you are exposed to the virus that causes COVID-19. Not everyone with COVID-19 has all of these symptoms, and some people may not have any symptoms.
- Families will receive an email or text message each morning to be completed prior to their child being sent to school. The link will inform the parent(s)/guardian(s) if the child should stay home or come to school.
- If symptoms appear, the following Decision Tree for People with COVID-19 symptoms will be utilized.
Face Coverings and Social Distancing
- Students and Staff will be required to wear masks when in the school building. Students may remove masks during meal times.
- Reference the 808 - COVID-19 Face Covering Policy
- Per the Safe Learning Plan of 2020-2021, all staff and students will be provided with one cloth face covering for the 2020-2021 school year.
- Safe distancing will be expected in all places at all times in the building.
- Students and Staff will be able to remove their face masks when engaging in outdoor activities where social distancing can be maintained.
Hygiene Practices
- Proper health hygiene behaviors will be revisited and monitored throughout the school day.
- Soap, hand sanitizer, paper towels, tissues, and disinfectant wipes will be readily available to support this practice.
Cleaning Protocol
- Classrooms will be washed down mid-day by staff members.
- Door handles and Light Switches will be included.
- Sanitizing will take place each evening after students have left the school building.
Handling Suspected or Confirmed Positive Cases of COVID-19
- Students who come to the school building with symptoms or develop symptoms during the school day will be moved to our designated COVID-19 space in our outbuilding by our support staff.
- Families and health officials will be contacted by the support staff on the next steps for supporting the student(s).
Water Systems
- Hydration stations will be available and sanitized throughout the day. Students will need to bring their own water bottles.
- Students will not be able to drink directly from the fountains.
- Students who qualify for bus services will have this service available.
- Families who are within 2 miles of Willmar Middle School will not have bussing available. For the 2020-2021 school year payment options are not available.
Support Mental Health and Wellness
- The Counselors and Social Worker will be available as usual for these supports. Social Distancing and Masks will be utilized when meeting in an office space.
- The teacher will record attendance as usual through the Student Information System (Infinite Campus) for both students on campus and through distance learning.
- Student progress and work completion will be the determining factor in students’ academic success and growth.
- All course materials will be available through Schoology in a digital format. Students will work with staff to identify the learning that must take place to meet the Priority Standards for the credit they are working on.
- This approach is necessary to allow fluidity between the three scenarios.
Multi-Tiered Systems of Supports (MTSS) Process
- In an effort to support student success, staff will monitor student attendance, academic progress, and social-emotional needs. If any of these criteria become a concern, the following steps will take place:
- The Classroom teacher will reach out to families
- If no change/improvement, the Classroom teacher will reach out to families in partnership with the Assistant Principal.
- During this meeting, the staff will partner with the student, parent/guardian/teacher to devise a plan of action to support the area of concern.
- Student progress will be monitored closely after this meeting.
- If concerns continue, the next steps will take place:
- Attendance Concern: Filing for truancy
- Academic Concern: Student Success Team will develop an intervention plan.
- Social-Emotional: Develop regular visits with a School Counselor and/or School Social Worker. Further resources will be provided as needed.
- During this meeting, the staff will partner with the student, parent/guardian/teacher to devise a plan of action to support the area of concern.
- All students will be provided with a school-issued iPad that will be utilized for learning and communication with school staff.
- Digital Platforms
- Schoology
- All course materials will be accessible through each course the student is enrolled in.
- Staff will utilize Schoology as a communication tool with students.
- Schoology
Meal Options
- Students will have breakfast and lunch in the cafeteria.
- Breakfast is free for all students.
- In an effort to keep staff and students as safe as possible, we will not be allowing any visitors into the building.
Dropping Of Items
- If your child(ren) needs an item(s) dropped off, please call ahead or buzz at the door and a staff member will meet you at the door. Please place the item(s) into the bin the staff member is holding.
The WMS Hybrid model will be AA/BB. Students will be assigned as either A or B for in-person learning days. Students assigned to the “A” group will attend in-person on Monday and Tuesday while attending distance learning Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. Students assigned to the “B” group will attend in-person on Thursday and Friday while attending distance learning on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. Students will receive face-to-face instruction in their core classes; Math, Science, Social Studies, and English Language Arts. Students who qualify for Special Education and/or English Language Services will receive instruction face-to-face. Students will receive instruction via distance learning in their allied classes; Health, Spanish, Physical Education, Art, and Music. Individual instrumental music lessons will be offered face-to-face.
Health Symptoms
- Families will be asked to monitor health symptoms
- According to The Department of Health symptoms of COVID-19 can include cough, shortness of breath, fever, chills, headache, muscle pain, sore throat, or loss of taste or smell. Other less common symptoms include gastrointestinal symptoms like nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea. These symptoms may appear 2-14 days after you are exposed to the virus that causes COVID-19. Not everyone with COVID-19 has all of these symptoms, and some people may not have any symptoms.
- Families will receive an email or text message each morning to be completed prior to their child being sent to school. The link will inform the parent(s)/guardian(s) if the child should stay home or come to school.
- If symptoms appear, the following Decision Tree for People with COVID-19 symptoms will be utilized.
Face Coverings and Social Distancing
- Students and Staff will be required to wear masks when in the school building. Students may remove masks during meal times.
- Reference the 808 - COVID-19 Face Covering Policy
- Per the Safe Learning Plan of 2020-2021, all staff and students will be provided with one cloth face covering for the 2020-2021 school year.
- Safe distancing will be expected in all places at all times in the building.
- Students and Staff will be able to remove their face masks when engaging in outdoor activities where social distancing can be maintained.
Hygiene Practices
- Proper health hygiene behaviors will be revisited and monitored throughout the school day.
- Soap, hand sanitizer, paper towels, tissues, and disinfectant wipes will be readily available to support this practice.
Cleaning Protocol
- Classrooms will be washed down mid-day by staff members.
- Door handles and Light Switches will be included.
- Sanitizing will take place each evening after students have left the school building.
Handling Suspected or Confirmed Positive Cases of COVID-19
- Students who come to the school building with symptoms or develop symptoms during the school day will be moved to our designated COVID-19 space in our outbuilding by our support staff.
- Families and health officials will be contacted by the support staff on the next steps for supporting the student(s).
Water Systems
- Hydration stations will be available and sanitized throughout the day. Students will need to bring their own water bottles.
- Students will not be able to drink directly from the fountains.
Support Mental Health and Wellness
- School counselors and the social worker will be available as usual for these supports. Social Distancing and Masks will be utilized when meeting in an office space.
- School counselors and the social worker will utilize WIN time to support social and emotional learning.
- On-Campus Days
- The teacher will record attendance as usual through the Student Information System (Infinite Campus)
- Off-Campus Days
- Students will be required to complete attendance in Campus.
- Directions for Attendance
- Curriculum
- All course materials will be available through Schoology in a digital format. Students will work with staff to identify the learning that must take place to meet the Priority Standards.
- Students will have access to their teachers every day of the week whether on- or off-campus.
- In-person classes will receive standard letter grades; A/B/C/D/NG.
- Distance learning classes will receive Pass/No Grade.
- All students will be provided with a school-issued iPad.
- Students without internet access should email Jason Hulstein at hulsteinj@willmar.k12.mn.us or call 320-231-8545 for assistance.
Multi-Tiered Systems of Supports (MTSS) Process
- In an effort to support student success, staff will monitor student attendance, academic progress, and social-emotional needs. If any of these criteria become a concern, the following steps will take place:
- The Classroom teacher will reach out to families
- If no change/improvement, the Classroom teacher will reach out to families in partnership with the Assistant Principal.
- During this meeting, the staff will partner with the student, parent/guardian/teacher to devise a plan of action to support the area of concern.
- Student progress will be monitored closely after this meeting.
- If concerns continue, the next steps will take place:
- Attendance Concern: Filing for truancy
- Academic Concern: Student Success Team will develop an intervention plan.
- Social-Emotional: Develop regular visits with a School Counselor and/or School Social Worker. Further resources will be provided as needed.
- During this meeting, the staff will partner with the student, parent/guardian/teacher to devise a plan of action to support the area of concern.
Digital Platforms
- Schoology
- All course materials will be accessible through each course the student is enrolled in.
- Staff will utilize Schoology as a communication tool with students.
- Remind
- Staff may utilize Remind as a way of sending out reminder messages to students to increase the accessibility of student communication.
- A WMS school “Remind account” will be created to share important messages with families.
- Google Meet/Hangouts
- Google Meet will be utilized by staff during designated office hours to provide students with assistance.
- Google Meet/Hangouts will be utilized for one-on-one or small group instruction between staff and students.
- Students who qualify for bus services will have this service available.
- Families who are within 2 miles of Willmar Middle School will not have bussing available. For the 2020-2021 school year payment options are not available.
Child Care
- A fee-based program will be available before and after school. Child care is available at no charge for Tier I critical care workers on distance learning days during the regular school hours.
Meal Options
- On-Campus
- Students will have breakfast and lunch brought to their classrooms to ensure social distancing can be maintained.
- In an effort to keep staff and students as safe as possible, we will not be allowing any visitors into the building. 1
Dropping Of Items
- If your child(ren) needs an item(s) dropped off, please call ahead or buzz at the door and a staff member will meet you at the door. Please place the item(s) into the bin the staff member is holding.
Distance Learning is a method of learning and teaching in which instruction, course materials and assessments are conducted virtually. In this plan, no students or staff come to the school buildings in person. Rather, students access all course materials through Schoology and interact daily with their licensed teacher(s) through synchronous and asynchronous instruction.
- Students will be required to complete attendance in Campus each day.
- Directions for Attendance
Work Completion
- Students who are not making academic progress will be discussed at the weekly team meeting. Administration, Teachers, School Counselors, and other school staff will develop a plan for contacting parents.
- If students are not making any progress, meetings will be arranged to identify barriers and help students through them. Teaching staff will be involved in this conversation if the student is struggling in their respective class.
- A Student Missing Work Contract is required to receive credit for missing work with a past due date of two weeks or longer.
- Distance learning classes will receive Pass/No Grade.
Mental Health Support
- The School Counselors, Social Worker, and Administration will be available via Schoology, email, or phone to support students. Google Meets/Hangouts will be arranged with the respective individuals above to develop a plan.
- Kandiyohi County Public Health Resources:
- All students will be provided with a school-issued iPad.
- Students without internet access should email Jason Hulstein at hulsteinj@willmar.k12.mn.us or call 320-231-8545 for assistance.
Digital Platforms
- Schoology
- All course materials will be accessible through each course the student is enrolled in.
- Staff will utilize Schoology as a communication tool with students.
- Remind
- Staff may utilize Remind as a way of sending out reminder messages to students to increase the accessibility of student communication.
- A WMS school “Remind account” will be created to share important messages with families.
- Google Meet/Hangouts
- Google Meet will be utilized by staff during designated office hours to provide students with assistance.
- Google Meet/Hangouts will be utilized for one-on-one or small group instruction between staff and students.
Multi-Tiered Systems of Supports (MTSS) Process
- In an effort to support student success, staff will monitor student attendance, academic progress, and social-emotional needs. If any of these criteria become a concern, the following steps will take place:
- The Classroom teacher will reach out to families
- If no change/improvement, the Classroom teacher will reach out to families in partnership with the Assistant Principal.
- During this meeting, the staff will partner with the student, parent/guardian/teacher to devise a plan of action to support the area of concern.
- Student progress will be monitored closely after this meeting.
- If concerns continue, the next steps will take place:
- Attendance Concern: Filing for truancy
- Academic Concern: Student Success Team will develop an intervention plan.
- Social-Emotional: Develop regular visits with a School Counselor and/or School Social Worker. Further resources will be provided as needed.
- During this meeting, the staff will partner with the student, parent/guardian/teacher to devise a plan of action to support the area of concern.
Meal Options
- Meals will be available at the front door of Willmar Middle School from 11:00-1:30 pm.
- Meals will also be available via bus routes. These routes can be found on the Willmar Public School website. (willmar.k12.mn.us)
Child Care
- A fee-based program will be available before and after school. Child care is available at no charge for Tier I critical care workers on distance learning days during the regular school hours.
School districts are also required to offer a 100% distance learning alternative, as outlined in this section, to families with students who may be medically vulnerable or otherwise unable or uncomfortable about returning to in-person or hybrid learning during the 2020-21 school year. Students in the Distance Choice access all course materials through an on-line platform and interact daily with their licensed teacher(s) through synchronous and asynchronous instruction.
- Students will be required to complete attendance in Campus.
- Directions for Attendance
Work Completion
- Students who are not making academic progress will be shared at weekly meetings. Administration, Teachers, School Counselors, and other school staff will develop a plan for contacting parents.
- If students are not making any progress, meetings will be arranged to identify barriers and help students through them. Teaching staff will be involved in this conversation if the student is struggling in their respective class.
- Students who are struggling with the workload may develop a plan to focus on one class at a time with the understanding that the course needs to be completed on an accelerated timeline.
Mental Health Support
- The School Counselors, Social Worker, and Administration will be available via Schoology, email, and phone to support students.
- Google Meets will be arranged with the respective individuals above to develop a plan.
- All students will be provided with a school-issued iPad.
- Students without internet access should email Jason Hulstein at hulsteinj@willmar.k12.mn.us or call 320-231-8545 for assistance.
Digital Platforms
- Acellus b. Schoology
- All course materials will be accessible through each course the student is enrolled in. i
- Staff will utilize Schoology as a communication tool with students.
- Remind
- Staff may utilize Remind as a way of sending out reminder messages to students to increase the accessibility of student communication.
- A Willmar Middle School Remind account will be created to share important messages with families.
- Google Meet
- Google Meet will be utilized for teacher office hours.
- Google Meet will be utilized for one-on-one or small group meetings between staff and students.
Multi-Tiered Systems of Supports (MTSS) Process
- In an effort to support student success, staff will monitor student attendance, academic progress, and social-emotional needs. If any of these criteria become a concern, the following steps will take place:
- The Classroom teacher will reach out to families
- If no change/improvement, the Classroom teacher will reach out to families in partnership with the Assistant Principal.
- During this meeting, the staff will partner with the student, parent/guardian/teacher to devise a plan of action to support the area of concern.
- Student progress will be monitored closely after this meeting.
- If concerns continue, the next steps will take place:
- Attendance Concern: Filing for truancy
- Academic Concern: Student Success Team will develop an intervention plan.
- Social-Emotional: Develop regular visits with a School Counselor and/or School Social Worker. Further resources will be provided as needed.
- During this meeting, the staff will partner with the student, parent/guardian/teacher to devise a plan of action to support the area of concern.
- In an effort to support student success, staff will monitor student attendance, academic progress, and social-emotional needs. If any of these criteria become a concern, the following steps will take place:
Meal Options
- Meals will be available at the front door of Willmar Middle School from 11:00 am - 1:30 pm.
- Meals will also be available via bus routes. These routes can be found on the Willmar Public School website. (willmar.k12.mn.us)