Senior High Return to Learning Plans

Click on each scenario below for the protocols and procedures we have put in place at Willmar Senior High to keep your child safe while receiving their education. Please know that changes seem to occur daily or weekly and we may be updating our procedures accordingly. Open the Willmar Senior High School PDF Version here.

  • COVID-19 Coordinator: Every district building must have a COVID-19 Coordinator. a
    • The WSH COVID-19 Coordinator is Paul Schmitz.
  • Communication: Parent(s)/Guardian(s) will be a crucial partner as we navigate this year.
    • We are committed to on-going communication and will be sharing information regularly through videos and newsletters.
  • Attendance:
    • ALL students are expected to engage in their education EVERY day whether on-site, hybrid or in a distance learning model.
    • Attendance will be reported daily.
    • Attendance will be synchronous for in-person and distance learners. (All students will be present in class virtually and in the physical classroom at the same time.)
  • Grading:
    • The high school letter grade scale will be used as outlined in the WSH Student Handbook.
  • Face covering expectations:
    • Face coverings will be required by all at all times, except when consuming food or drink, or when outside and social distancing can occur. (See District Policy)
  • Building visitor restrictions:
    • Nonessential visitors, volunteers, and activities involving external groups or organizations will be restricted and in most cases, non-staff are not allowed in the buildings.
    • Parents will be able to drop off essential items for their students due to forgetting them at home (iPads, lunch, backpack, medication, etc.) in accordance with building procedures.
    • All visitors will be met at the main entrance.
  • Daily health checks:
    • Qualtrics will be used by all students and staff district-wide. All students and staff must complete an individual health screening in the Qualtrics app before arriving at school.
  • Cleaning the school and teaching stations processes:
    • Teachers will clean frequently used surfaces in the classroom during the school day
    • Custodians will deep clean in the evenings
    • Custodians will deep clean all surfaces on Wednesdays
  • Social distancing definitions:
    • We will follow the social distancing protocol as outlined by MDE/MDH. For example, all students and staff will be expected to maintain 6 feet of distance while in the building when following the Hybrid model.
  • Instructional Platforms: a. Schoology, Zoom, and/or Google Meet will be utilized in all three models to support smooth transitions as needed during the school year.
  • Breakfast and Lunch:
    • Breakfast will be delivered to classrooms during Block 1 class. Breakfast will be free to everyone on-site for the 2020-2021 school year.
    • Lunch will be served in the cafeteria following social distancing guidelines.
    • Students who do not qualify for free/reduced lunch will be charged the regular meal rate.
  • All students will follow their assigned course schedules.
  • Students will be assigned either an A or B schedule. All students will attend classes according to the AADBB schedule. All students will have distance learning on Wednesday.
  • Students are expected to attend class during their scheduled class time whether distance, hybrid or in-person.

Monday A Group

  • Regular “A” schedule
  • Block 1 (includes breakfast): 8:00-9:40 (100 min.)
  • Block 2: 9:45-11:15 (90 min.)
  • Block 3: 11:20-1:10 (90 min. + lunch)
  • Block 4: 1:15-2:45 (90 min.)

Tuesday A Group

  • Regular “A” schedule
  • Block 1 (includes breakfast): 8:00-9:40 (100 min.)
  • Block 2: 9:45-11:15 (90 min.)
  • Block 3: 11:20-1:10 (90 min. + lunch)
  • Block 4: 1:15-2:45 (90 min.)

Wednesday Distance Learning

  • Late start ramp-up day
  • Ramp Up: 9:00-9:25 
  • Block 1: 9:30-10:25 
  • Block 2: 10:30-11:25
  • Block 3: 11:30-12:25 
  • Lunch and at-risk intervention: 12:30-1:40
  • Block 4: 1:45-2:45

Thursday B Group

  • Regular “B” schedule
  • Block 1 (includes breakfast): 8:00-9:40 (100 min.)
  • Block 2: 9:45-11:15 (90 min.)
  • Block 3: 11:20-1:10 (90 min. + lunch)
  • Block 4: 1:15-2:45 (90 min.)

Friday B Group

  • Regular “B” schedule
  • Block 1 (includes breakfast): 8:00-9:40 (100 min.)
  • Block 2: 9:45-11:15 (90 min.)
  • Block 3: 11:20-1:10 (90 min. + lunch)
  • Block 4: 1:15-2:45 (90 min.)

Health screening expectations

  • Parents and staff are required and responsible for daily screening of COVID-19 symptoms using the Qualtrics system and agree to keep their child (or self) home if they are ill.

Face coverings expectations

  • Face coverings will be required by all at all times. (See District Policy).

Building Visitor Restrictions

  • Nonessential visitors, volunteers, and activities involving external groups or organizations will be restricted and in most cases, non-staff are not allowed in the buildings.
  • Parents will be able to drop off essential items for their students due to forgetting them at home (iPads, lunch, backpack, medication, etc.) in accordance with building procedures.
  • All visitors will be met at the main entrance.


  • Students will be encouraged to wash their hands
  • Sanitizer stations will be provided.

Managing students with Covid symptoms while on-site

  • Students who present with COVID symptoms during the school day will report to the nurse. They will be checked for the symptom criteria and the nurse will determine if the student needs to be sent home. The parent will be called and the student will wait in the designated area until the parent/guardian arrives.


  • School bussing will be provided to those students who meet the district criteria.

Mental Health and Social-Emotional Resources

  • On-site counselors and the school social worker will be available to address student mental health needs both in person and via Zoom, phone, or email. They will provide information about local agencies as needed.


  • Teachers will use Schoology for in-person instruction.
  • Online schooling will be available for those who choose to continue with Distance learning.

Attendance expectations

  • ALL students are expected to engage in their education EVERY day whether on-site, hybrid or in a distance learning model.
  • Attendance will be reported daily.
  • Attendance will be synchronous for in-person and distance learners. (All students will be present in class whether virtually or in the physical classroom at the same time.)


  • The high school letter grade scale will be used as outlined in the WSH Student Handbook.


  • All students will have a district-provided iPad to use both in and out of the school building.
  • Internet access is provided on-site at the high school.
  • Students without internet access should email Jason Hulstein at or call 320-231-8545 for assistance.

Breakfast and Lunch

  • Breakfast is provided free of cost for the 2020-21 school year.
  • Lunch will be provided on-site at cost and/or free and reduced.
  • Distance learners will have the option to pick up lunch at the high school.

Distance Learning Plan:

  • All families will have the option of choosing Distance Learning if there are safety concerns.

Health screening expectations

  • Parents and staff are required and responsible for daily screening of COVID-19 symptoms using the Qualtrics system and agree to keep their child (or self) home if they are ill.

Face covering expectations:

  • Face coverings will be required by all at all times. (See District Policy) 

Building visitor restrictions:

  • Nonessential visitors, volunteers, and activities involving external groups or organizations will be restricted and in most cases, non-staff are not allowed in the buildings.
  • Parents will be able to drop off essential items for their students due to forgetting them at home (iPads, lunch, backpack, medication, etc.) in accordance with building procedures.
  • All visitors will be met at the main entrance.


  • Students will be encouraged to wash their hands
  • Sanitizer stations will be provided.

Social Distancing for arrival, departure, and transitions

  • Students and staff are required to maintain 6 feet of distance.
  • Students arriving before 7:45 will need to social distance in the cafeteria and commons area.
  • Students will arrive at school and report directly to their 1st Block classroom beginning at 7:40am. Transitions and the end-of-day departure will be staggered to limit student contact.
  • Students will only be allowed to move from space to space at the high school in a clockwise direction. Signage will direct students to the appropriate stairwells and hallways for one-way traffic.
  • Passing time between classes will be shortened as students travel directly from one class to the next. Restroom use and water breaks will take place during class time.
  • Water fountains will be shut off, however, the refillable bottle feature will be available.

Managing students with Covid-19 symptoms on-site:

  • Students who present with COVID symptoms during the school day will report to a designated space. They will be checked for the symptom criteria and the nurse will determine if the student needs to be sent home. The parent will be called and the student will wait in the designated area until the parent/guardian arrives.


  • School bussing will be provided to those students who meet the district criteria. Bussing will be limited to 50% capacity.

Mental health and social-emotional resources availability

  • On-site counselors and the school social worker will be available to address student mental health needs. They will provide information about local agencies as needed.
  • Counselors and the school social worker are available to meet over Zoom or Google Meet to support student mental health needs.


  • Teachers will use Schoology in conjunction with Zoom and Google Meet.

Attendance Expectations

  • ALL students are expected to engage in their education EVERY day.
  • Attendance will be reported daily.
  • Attendance will be synchronous for in-person and distance learners. (All students will be present for class at the same time whether virtually or in the physical classroom.)


  • The high school letter grade scale will be used as outlined in the WSH Student Handbook.


  • All students will have a district-provided iPad to use both in and out of the school building.
  • Internet access is provided on-site at the high school.
  • Students without internet access should email Jason Hulstein at or call 320-231-8545 for assistance.

Breakfast and Lunch

  • Breakfast will be delivered to classrooms during Block 1 class. Breakfast will be free to everyone on site for the 2020-2021 school year.
  • Lunch will be served in the cafeteria following social distancing guidelines.
  • Students who do not qualify for free/reduced lunch will be charged the regular meal rate.

Distance Learning Plan for families choosing this option

  • Students who choose Distance Learning will be meeting with their teachers for synchronous learning daily. Students will follow the expectations of individual teachers while utilizing Schoology and Zoom to attend class each block.

Building visitor restrictions

  • Nonessential visitors, volunteers, and activities involving external groups or organizations are not allowed in the buildings.
  • Students/Parents will be able to pick up essential items by meeting with staff at the main entrance.

Attendance and engagement expectations

  • Daily attendance is required.
  • Students will be expected to check-in with teachers daily.


  • The high school letter grade scale will be used as outlined in the WSH Student Handbook.

Mental health and social-emotional resources availability

  • Counselors and the school social worker will be available to meet with students virtually and/or via phone or email.


  • Teachers will continue to use Schoology in conjunction with Zoom and/or Google Meet.


  • All students will have a district-provided iPad to use during distance learning.
  • Internet access is available in the parking lots of all WPS buildings.
  • Students without internet access should email Jason Hulstein at or call 320-231-8545 for assistance.

Breakfast and Lunch

  • District busses will transport meals to identified bus stop sites throughout the district to ensure all students who need meals are able to obtain them.